Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Spirit Of Adoption

The Spirit Of Adoption
Romans 8:15 “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”

What a powerful scripture from the book of Romans! We don't live in fear but we live in connection to. Not like the connection we have on Face Book or Twitter where you have 752 friends and 3,000 followers and you know about 10 of them personally…it is a connection that places us as sons and daughters of the Most High God. The Spirit of adoption is the Spirit that allows us to be children of God. God’s love toward us as his children comes through the Holy Spirit. As the Spirit persuades us, we become part of God’s family. The challenge for us is to accept that we are his children and then behave in a way that reflects that we are his children. Sons of the King and daughters of the King don't act like commoners; they act like royalty because they are royalty. Reflect on who you are? Reflect on how you behave. Do you act like children of the King or do you act like a commoner? If you behave like a child of the King…good…. now show someone else the way, but if you act like a commoner…check yourself, pray, fast (if you need to) and allow God to transform you from a commoner to a child of the King.

Let’s pray, Father we are so grateful that we are children of the King, we are so grateful that by your grace we are saved. Help us today to walk not as commoners but help us today to walk as royalty. We love you for what you’ve did for us and now we ask that you help us to live in such a way as to reflect how much we love you, in the way we walk and in the way we talk. To your name be the glory, honor and praise. In Jesus name we do pray…Amen!

Have a great day!


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