Friday, August 31, 2012

Names Of The Holy Spirit-Free Spirit

Free Spirit
Psalm 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
The Holy Spirit is the expression from God to us that reflects his generosity and his willingness to help us. God gave us His willing Spirit to change us when our hearts are hardened to the things of God. He gave us his free Spirit to grant us freedom in him when the enemy desires to keep us in bondage. Its God’s free Spirit that prompts us to accept him as our personal Lord and Savior and leads us to walk in that freedom. If it was not for God and his Free Spirit we would not be free from the prison of sin. Those of us that are in Christ Jesus don’t have to stay in the prison of the mind, the body or the soul, but we can flourish and flow in the freedom that has been granted to us through Gods initiative, Christ sacrifice and the Holy Spirit’s leading. The challenge for us today is simply to be grateful.  The old folks would say it like this” if it had not been for the Lord who was on my side, I don’t know where I would be.” Today walk in gratefulness for your deliverance and rejoice in his Spirit that set you free!!

Let’s pray, Father we are so grateful to you for the things that you have done…its you that sent Jesus, It’s Jesus who died and it’s the Holy Spirit that keeps us and guides us. Lord help us today to remember your Spirit that frees us, that sets us free and removes the bondage of the enemy. It’s in the matchless name of Jesus that we pray…Amen!

Have a great weekend!


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