Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's Not About You

The Armor Of God
Spirtual Warfare Series
“It’s not about You”

The Devil is so cunning and slick that he does everything he can to distract us.  One of the schemes of the devil is for the believer to have this “me first” mentality. But God has another plan.  God’s Plan is to put him first!

Matthew 6:33 tells:
 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

When we put God before anything and everything life seems to work better.  We may not have everything that we want but we do have everything that we need.  When we put God first our mind is more at ease, our hearts are more at peace.  Worry and anxiety don’t seem to be the strongholds that stops us from looking beyond our problems to our potential.

It happens that way because God is ruling and reigning and not the devil and his attacks.  In a world that says “It’s all about me” the Christian must stand bold and say “It’s all about Christ”.  When we do this we are putting God first.  It can’t be just talk but it has to be walk!

Let’s pray, Father it is our desire that we put you first in all that we do.  We pray in Jesus name that you help us to be stronger and wiser and better that we can declare your glory to all we encounter.  Help us to understand that it’s all about you and not us…In Jesus name we pray! Amen!

Hump day….Put God first!

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