Thursday, September 13, 2012


SPIRITUAL Warfare Series

“Don’t believe the Lies”

Proverbs 14;25 says "A truthful witness saves lives,  but a false witness is deceitful." 

As we know the book of Proverbs is a powerful book of the bible filled with right on the spot truths about everything in life. This proverb is no exception to the rule.  It's the enemy (Satan) that does everything that he can to get us to buy into his lies. He knows what the truth is, how do you think he was able to quote scripture to Christ when Christ was coming off of a 40 day fast.  He could quote scripture because he knew scripture.  

Satan is deceitful in all his ways! Let me be clear the scripture he quoted was true but the context he used it in to try to fool Christ was notl! He can use something good and turn it into something bad if you let him. He can take the love you have for your husband and make you think you love him too much and that's why you need to back off of him before he takes you for granted.  He is deceitful! He is a trickster! He is a liar! Don't believe him, don't fall for his lies cast them down in the name of Jesus.  The word of God tells us in the book of 2 Corinthians 10:5 that we should cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. A lie exalts itself over the knowledge of God.  A lie will make you doubt God and trust it. Speak this scripture to that lie... I will not buy into anything that exalts itself over the knowledge of God.... then rebuke it in Jesus name!

Let's pray, Father we thank you for the power to rebuke lies and liars in the name of Jesus.  Help us to be strong enough to say no when Satan tries to deceive us.  Help us to believe your counsel and not the counsel of Satan or anything that exalts itself above your word.

Have a great day...and remember to call out that which exalts itself over the knowledge of God!


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