Thursday, September 6, 2012

Feet Prepared with the Gospel Of Peace

FEET Prepared

Ephesians 6:10-18
Be Strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the Full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Ephesians 6:15-Feet Prepared with the Gospel of Peace.

Marching was a part of life for the soldier so he had to have good shoes.  The shoes were made with thick leather and studded through the soles with hobnails.  The studded soles enabled the soldier to stand firm.  They kept the soldier’s feet from slipping while in battle.  It was his shoes (good shoes) that allowed the soldier to hold his position with strength.  The soldier’s shoes were his foundation. You couldn’t even get to the battle without good shoes and you certainly couldn’t fight in the battle without good shoes. The gospel of Peace is the good news that we can have peace with God. So when this text says we should have our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace it means that we must have our foundation in place so we can deliver the good news so others can experience the peace that we have found and the foundation that is holding us up.  Our challenge today is to establish our own solid foundation. Knowing Jesus is not enough.  The devil knew Jesus, the Muslims know Jesus. Knowing what you believe about Jesus, what you know about God is the issue before us.  Be ready to share the hope that is within you and have your feet prepared to carry the Gospel of Peace to all who will hear!

Let’s pray…Father in you son Jesus name we pray right now that we have a strong foundation in you.  For those of us that don’t understand like we should we pray that you would help us to understand so that we can spread your gospel of peace.  For those of us who do understand we pray that you send us out to prepare others.  We desire for you to be our foundation and we pray that through you we can help others to have a foundation in you…. It’s in the matchless name of Jesus that we pray…. Amen!

Have a great day and don’t forget your shoes J


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