Monday, September 17, 2012

I'm A Sinner But God

 Proverbs 5:22

The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast.

Sin is apart of our life. No matter how great we are in the faith; sin has a funny way of catching up with us all. Some of you that just read what I wrote probably just turned your nose up because you don’t feel that you have any issue with sin.  You are probably thinking this because you don’t struggle (anymore) with sexual immortality, cheating, lying, drugs or alcohol but did you know that sin is sin in the eyes of the Lord.  Yes, talking about people (even when they deserve it) is sinful; making people the butt of your jokes (even when it’s funny) is sinful. Yes, not doing the scripturally based thing your Pastor asks you to do is ungodly.  Yes, not doing what your boss tells you to do is ungodly.

Sin captures us is what Proverbs is telling us.  It’s no wonder once we go there…it is hard to get out of it.  Paul says when I would do right evil was every present.  I want to do the right things Paul is saying but the sin in me has captured me and now it appears I can’t escape it! At my church this would be a good time to insert two words “BUT GOD.” God has given us a plan of escape.  He has given us an escape from sin, he has given us a way around sin, he has given us a way through sin…but it takes the discipline of our will to line it’s self with his will. You can’t expect to do what you want to do and be in right standing with God.

 Our challenge today is to line our will with his will. 
It’s only when we do this that we can truly magnified God not only in our words but also in our actions and deeds.  We all have fallen short of the glory of God…. but remember to insert two words…. BUT GOD…has not only loved us but he has rescued us and given us a plan of escape from the pitfall of sin.

Let’s pray- Father we thank you that we can escape sin if we follow your plan.  You are truly good to us! We see your goodness in the day-to-day deeds like a home, car and a job but most of all we see that you’re good because while we were yet in our sins. You sent Jesus to do for us…. therefore affording us salvation through the passion and sacrifice of Christ. There are no words to describe this gift so today…. we simply say…Thank You!

Have a great day!


Friday, September 14, 2012

Devil, Who Do You Think Your Accusing?

SPIRITUAL Warfare Series
“Devil, who do you think your accusing”

Revelation 12:10
“Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. 
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, 
 who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.

This is the devil’s MO. He loves to accuse the believer.  He loves to take something that we did, that was embarrassing or flat out against God and use it to condemn us.  He want’s the believer to doubt themselves and more importantly doubt God and his love and his forgiveness.  The fact is God already knows what you have done, not only does he know what you’ve done; he knew when it was just a seed of a thought in your mind…. for God is omniscient (all knowing). You can’t hide anything from him, for he sees all and he knows all. This is not a statement to make you tremble in fear but rather help you to understand that God knows the bad but he also knows the good.  He knows how hard you are trying to do the right things, he knows when you bite your tongue when you want to speak your mind, and he knows when you turn the other check just to be slapped in that one as well.  God knows the good and he knows the bad! The challenge for us is to not allow Satan to be our accuser when Christ is our advocate.  It’s Christ that forgives all of our sins, its Christ who cures all of our diseases, it’s Christ who hung and it’s Christ who died…. for you and for me.  Accept it, walk in it…and rejoice in it!

Lets pray…thank you God that we can stand before you not accused but atoned…thank you for your love that sent your son to the cross that we may have a right to the tree of life…. thank you for casting our sins in the sea of forgiveness and thank you for taken what was ours as your own…You are great and greatly to be praised…. it’s in Jesus name that we pray…Amen!

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, September 13, 2012


SPIRITUAL Warfare Series

“Don’t believe the Lies”

Proverbs 14;25 says "A truthful witness saves lives,  but a false witness is deceitful." 

As we know the book of Proverbs is a powerful book of the bible filled with right on the spot truths about everything in life. This proverb is no exception to the rule.  It's the enemy (Satan) that does everything that he can to get us to buy into his lies. He knows what the truth is, how do you think he was able to quote scripture to Christ when Christ was coming off of a 40 day fast.  He could quote scripture because he knew scripture.  

Satan is deceitful in all his ways! Let me be clear the scripture he quoted was true but the context he used it in to try to fool Christ was notl! He can use something good and turn it into something bad if you let him. He can take the love you have for your husband and make you think you love him too much and that's why you need to back off of him before he takes you for granted.  He is deceitful! He is a trickster! He is a liar! Don't believe him, don't fall for his lies cast them down in the name of Jesus.  The word of God tells us in the book of 2 Corinthians 10:5 that we should cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. A lie exalts itself over the knowledge of God.  A lie will make you doubt God and trust it. Speak this scripture to that lie... I will not buy into anything that exalts itself over the knowledge of God.... then rebuke it in Jesus name!

Let's pray, Father we thank you for the power to rebuke lies and liars in the name of Jesus.  Help us to be strong enough to say no when Satan tries to deceive us.  Help us to believe your counsel and not the counsel of Satan or anything that exalts itself above your word.

Have a great day...and remember to call out that which exalts itself over the knowledge of God!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's Not About You

The Armor Of God
Spirtual Warfare Series
“It’s not about You”

The Devil is so cunning and slick that he does everything he can to distract us.  One of the schemes of the devil is for the believer to have this “me first” mentality. But God has another plan.  God’s Plan is to put him first!

Matthew 6:33 tells:
 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

When we put God before anything and everything life seems to work better.  We may not have everything that we want but we do have everything that we need.  When we put God first our mind is more at ease, our hearts are more at peace.  Worry and anxiety don’t seem to be the strongholds that stops us from looking beyond our problems to our potential.

It happens that way because God is ruling and reigning and not the devil and his attacks.  In a world that says “It’s all about me” the Christian must stand bold and say “It’s all about Christ”.  When we do this we are putting God first.  It can’t be just talk but it has to be walk!

Let’s pray, Father it is our desire that we put you first in all that we do.  We pray in Jesus name that you help us to be stronger and wiser and better that we can declare your glory to all we encounter.  Help us to understand that it’s all about you and not us…In Jesus name we pray! Amen!

Hump day….Put God first!